About Utah Pollinator Pursuit:

Our Mission: "Improve conservation efforts for Utah's sensitive pollinator species by leveraging the power of community science."


  • Engage community scientists to collect vital habitat and distribution data for Utah's declining pollinator populations

  • Discover areas that are crucial to pollinator migration and habitat connectivity

  • Develop target areas for habitat improvement to sustain pollinator populations across Utah and the West

  • Educate and involve community members in the most effective methods used to improve pollinator habitat 

Contact Utah Pollinator Pursuit:

Mindy Wheeler

Native Plant Conservation Project Leader, lead for Utah's Monarch Butterfly Conservation Initiative
Utah State University Wildland Resources

Amanda Barth

Rare Insect Conservation Project Leader, lead for Utah's Pollinator Pursuit initiative
Utah State University Natural Resources

Mary Pendergast

Ecologist and Conservation Biologist
Sageland Collaborative

Our Partner Agencies:


Pollinator Facebook Groups:

These Facebook groups frequently post sightings, discuss new study results, share milkweed seeds and seedlings, announce events, and simply celebrate pollinators: