Are you curious about pollinators? Interested in participating in conservation efforts here in Utah? Unsure how to get started?
Introducing - Pollinator Office Hours!
During these events, our pollinator experts and enthusiasts will be located at pollinator hotspots across the Salt Lake Valley for anyone who wants to stop by and learn about pollinators. These are safe spaces to connect with our team, get up close and personal with the pollinators, and enjoy a relaxing moment in nature. Pollinator Office Hours are free and provide the opportunity to get your pollinator questions answered and a chance to learn how to log your observations in iNaturalist.
Nuestros expertos en polinización también hablan español para aquellos que necesiten traducción.
This Office Hours will include a 2-mile round-trip walk along the Bonneville Shoreline Trail from the Natural History Museum of Utah. We will walk at a leisurely pace to observe wildflowers in bloom and any pollinators that may be buzzing around!